Opportunities to Participate


  • MPACE Executive Committee Opportunities:
  • Cheese and Sci: Join us for a new social event featuring a short science / engineering presentation and lots of conversation. On August 3 (4:30-6pm, Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center) we will hear from Evgueni Filipov, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Seminar Series:   Check the MPACE Calendar. Help your colleagues prepare for job talks.
  • Coffee++ Hour:   Every other week, 10am at Mujo Cafe (Duderstadt Center, First Floor). Upcoming dates: July 20, August 10, August 24, September 7, September 21
  • Post Ac:  An acappella singing group made up of Engineering postdocs and friends. Request an audition today!
  • Job Search Series: Get expert advice from those who have navigated the academic and industry job search processes.
  • Additional resources for University of Michigan postdocs:  Many events now taking place on N. Campus.   https://www.rackham.umich.edu/postdoctoral and https://umpda.rackham.umich.edu/    These require advance registration.